List Commercial Property for Lease Without Hassle in 2022

Published: 02-04-22    Category: Leasing/Renting

Specializes in providing actionable insights into the commercial real estate space for investors, brokers, lessors, and lessees. He covers quarterly market data reports, investment strategies, how-to guides, and top-down perspectives on market movements.

lists commercial property for lease.

We’re leaning into one of our favorite everyday sayings today: the only thing constant in the world is change. Indeed, the world is chaotic, unpredictable, a bit scary, and also filled with opportunities if you choose to see them.

Take figuring out where to list commercial property for lease. Now, some people have a different prop strategy than others.

You might hear the word lease and think why on earth you’d ever list your property for lease. Or, if you’re running the show for a busy investor, you might think that it’s much better to flip the property and list it for sale.

Why List Properties for Lease?

Don’t sell yourself short here. In the world of commercial real estate, there are always multiple options to choose from. It may not always be evident which option works best, but that doesn’t mean that options don’t exist.

The reason why leasing makes sense is that everyone is nervous about moving forward. Hey, prospects certainly have their reasons to be nervous. The world looked incredibly different two years ago.

And unfortunately, many people are not here any longer, and that is enough to make many of us begin to rethink how we do business and how we take care of each other.

The truth is that people have learned that they don’t want to wait until all of the proverbial lights turn green. They want to test out their business ideas, they want to see if they like a location, and they want to see if they can contribute positively to a local community.

Clarifying Lease Agreements

Let us put your mind at ease: even if you decide to list commercial property for lease, that doesn’t mean that you have to just accept anyone. It’s okay to list your property for lease and advise that you are conducting deeper screening.

It’s wise to be clear about what your criteria are from the beginning, as no one wants to be surprised as they work their way into a leasing process.

As an industry best practice, we still want to ensure that we’re not unfairly discriminating against any applicant on the basis of race, gender, national origin, or anything else that is genuinely outside the control of the human on the other side of the potential agreement.

No, the Fair Housing Act does not apply to commercial property outside of multifamily buildings. However, disclosing tenant criteria should focus on bringing you the best tenants and giving you the choice of selecting good people.

We want to try to retain as many good people as possible, or at the very least be easy to work with and encourage referrals.

What Makes a Site Worth Using to List Commercial Property

There are multiple points that make a site worth using to list commercial property. Listing a commercial property for lease gets your available building in front of people that are naturally looking to lease it from you. Here are a few things to look for in your search.

Ease of Navigation for All Parties

Clean design is king in the world of real estate websites, and a place where it’s free to list commercial property for lease should focus on easy navigation for everyone. This includes the people that are using the site to look for you, and it also includes you, because a site that’s hard to upload your listing to will grow frustrating quickly.

The Ability to List & Browse for Free

Who doesn’t like receiving something for free? Of course, these sites will have advertising and other moneymakers, but you still get a free listing. Looking at the total set of features on the site is pretty important. What information can you get from the site that would make it appealing for people looking for properties to lease?

Contact Information Made Easy

Without a way to get in touch with you, a listing doesn’t help matters very much. Look for sites that let you put not only your contact information on the listing but on-site messaging is also nice as well. Sometimes people want easy ways to message when they’re interested, and having this feature can often make the sale on your behalf.

People looking for properties for lease are ready to get their business idea off the ground, so it’s time for you to get started listing your property. Don’t put it off; the longer you delay, the longer your building remains vacant.

Determining What Monthly Rent to Ask For Your Lease

Calculating commercial rent works a little differently than its residential counterpart. It’s all about the rentable square footage, the maintenance costs on the building, and the taxes that you owe on the building. If you haven’t taken the time to measure the actual usable square footage on the property, do that before you list the property.

Everything Is Negotiable

Remember that there are two sides to every agreement: your side and the tenant’s side. Don’t get so locked into a set price that you end up missing the chance to lease it to someone. It’s better to get slightly less than what you’re looking for than to have more vacancies.

If they come back with a lower price than what you’re looking for, see why they are looking for a price break. If your property has some not so minor blemishes, they may seek a greater amount of concessions. As long as both parties are honest, everything should fall into place.

Pulling It All Together

Giving yourself the opportunity to list commercial property for lease without hassle is a great idea for the year on the whole. The more work you do to make your property look appealing, the more likely it is that you’ll get a tenant.

If you’re helping someone get their property up to current market demand, the points listed in this guide will get you off to a great start. Managing leases can often be tricky, but the ultimate key is to make sure that you follow the lease agreement to the letter and the lease is valid by the laws of your state.

If you need to get it reviewed by a proper attorney, don’t hesitate to do that.

List & Browse Commercial Property for Lease for Free on!

You can list and browse commercial property for lease for free on Create a free account and get access to accurate market intelligence, customized property type alerts, and more.

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