Office Space
134 South 13th Street Lincoln, NE 68508
Details & Description
Price: $0
    -Space available in the historic Federal Trust building.-Tenants have the unique opportunity to lease an entire floor with a reception area right off the elevator.-This building features unique architectural features that can't be recreated in new construction.-Tenants have large windows to allow natural light.-Owners have been investing in building upgrades that include new energy efficient windows that remain true to the style of the building.TENANT PAYS: Utilities and Janitorial
    Listing Agents
    Marc Hausmann

    O: 402-441-5800
    M: 402-770-6908
    While we strive to provide the most accurate information, all listing information, and demographic data, is provided by third-parties. As such, MyEListing will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information. It is strongly recommended that you verify all information with the listing agent, and any relevant agencies, prior to making any decisions.

    134 South 13th Street

    Lincoln, NE 68508

    No Longer Listed
    134 South 13th Street Lincoln, NE 68508 | for Lease | Photo 1
    $ /mo

    -Space available in the historic Federal Trust building.

    -Tenants have the unique opportunity to lease an entire floor with a reception area right off the elevator.

    -This building features unique architectural features that can't be recreated in new construction.

    -Tenants have large windows to allow natural light.

    -Owners have been investing in building upgrades that include new energy efficient windows that remain true to the style of the building.

    TENANT PAYS: Utilities and Janitorial

    Attachments & Files

    Lincoln Area Market Trends

    Listing Demographics for 134 South 13th Street Lincoln, NE 68508

    All information based on the most recently available data (updated annually) and is provided in 1-mile, 3-mile, and 5-mile radii (radiuses) of the property location.

    1-Mile 3-Miles 5-Miles
    Total Population23,082109,666221,115
    Population Median Age283336
    Population by Age0-9 Yrs1322 (5%)12835 (11%)26437 (11%)
    10-19 Yrs6011 (26%)15843 (14%)30319 (13%)
    20-29 Yrs8542 (37%)28478 (25%)48849 (22%)
    30-39 Yrs2605 (11%)15903 (14%)30484 (13%)
    40-49 Yrs1410 (6%)10574 (9%)22904 (10%)
    50-59 Yrs1543 (6%)10925 (9%)23444 (10%)
    60-69 Yrs1047 (4%)9088 (8%)20750 (9%)
    70+ Yrs601 (2%)6020 (5%)17928 (8%)
    Median HH Income$27,047$44,456$52,283
    Total Household Income< 24K3963 (46%)11615 (26%)18824 (21%)
    25-49K2762 (32%)13046 (29%)24118 (26%)
    50-74K928 (10%)8424 (19%)17667 (19%)
    75-99K387 (4%)4686 (10%)11327 (12%)
    100-199K370 (4%)5362 (12%)14823 (16%)
    200K+73 (0%)976 (2%)2616 (2%)
    Highest Education LevelNo Diploma1108629010297
    Diploma or GED21111526531422
    Some College23851388229642
    Assoc. Degree558619914866
    Bachelors Degree15821279230523
    Higher Degree1507839317575
    Total Housing Units9,53347,73595,136
    Owner-Occupied Values< 100K46748727791
    Total Working Age Population20,78790,037179,358
    In Work Force13,44764,254127,643
    Not In Work Force7,34125,78351,715
    Workforce Employed12,33961,201122,400
    Workforce Unemployed1,0792,9534,956
    Civlian Workforce13,41964,154127,356
    Military Workforce28100287
    Total Households8,48344,11089,374
    Family Households2,05720,90247,901
    Non-Family Households6,42623,20841,473
    Married Couple1,15214,28934,756
    Other Family9056,61313,145
    Married w/Child5406,17714,422
    Single Male w/Child629141,786
    Single Female w/Child4263,0445,515

    Population Change Last Two Decades - Plus Projection

    Lancaster County250,291+14285,407+12320,528+13361,534

    Total Working Age Population:

    Total Households:

    Total Working Age Population:

    Total Households:

    Total Working Age Population:

    Total Households:

    No part of this information may be copied, reproduced, repurposed, or screen-captured for any commercial purpose without prior written authorization from MyEListing.

    While we strive to provide the most accurate information, all listing information, and demographic data, is provided by third-parties. As such, MyEListing will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information. It is strongly recommended that you verify all information with the listing agent, and any relevant agencies, prior to making any decisions.

    Common Questions and Answers

    What is the asking price for 134 South 13th Street in Lincoln?
    The asking price for 134 South 13th Street is $
    What is the building size of this commercial Office property?
    The size of this multi-unit property varies between 531 - 10501 square feet
    What kind of Office is the propery at 134 South 13th Street?
    The property at 134 South 13th Street Lincoln, NE 68508 is listed as a Professional Office property
    What is the population within 1 mile of 134 South 13th Street in Lincoln?
    The population within 1 mile of 134 South 13th Street Lincoln, NE 68508 is 23,082 people.
    Who do I contact for questions about 134 South 13th Street?
    You should contact the listing agent, Marc Hausmann, for any details regarding this commercial listing.

    Other Listings for Lease Nearby

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    3811 South 27th Street, Lincoln, NE $2,301-3,813/mo 1,726-2,288 -
    2960 S Coddington Ave, Lincoln, NE $1,000-3,025/mo 1,000-2,420 -
    600 North Cotner Boulevard, Lincoln, NE $1,125/mo 1,350 -
    630 North Cotner Boulevard, Lincoln, NE $366-1,714/mo 517-1,870 -
    4911 North 26th Street, Lincoln, NE $7,038/mo 6,497 -
    575 South 70th Street, Lincoln, NE $4,170-34,804/mo 2,176-18,159 -
    1630 South 70th Street, Lincoln, NE $1,950/mo 1,734 -

    Closest Commercial Airports

    Airport Distance (mi)
    Eppley Airfield (OMA) 54
    Sioux Gateway Airport / Brigadier General Bud Day Field (SUX) 111
    Kansas City International Airport (MCI) 148