... There are literally more hogs than people in Iowa.
... Iowa was named after a Native American tribe of the same name.
Iowa isn’t as flat as Kansas, but it can certainly feel that way on a long drive. Yet somehow 3.2 million residents decided to make the place their home. There’s no arguing that Iowa has a special blend of people, economics, and culture. The median household income is $61,191, putting it in 30th place on the state rankings list.
The main economic sectors of Iowa include agriculture, manufacturing, insurance, and professional services. Major companies in the state include Wells Fargo, 3M, Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, Quaker Oats, MetLife, Principal Capital Management, Nationwide, Voya Financial, and Farm Bureau Financial Services.
One of the most interesting annual events in Iowa would have to be the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, which happens every year and attracts a huge crowd. There are also some really great wineries that are all over the state, and there are five regional five tasting trails that happen every year as well.