... North Dakota is the country’s top producer of honey.
... The geographic center of North America is in North Dakota.
North Dakota is a state that is as rich in natural resources as it is in history. This is one of the states that straddle the line between the upper Midwest and the doorstep of the true West, both historically and culturally. The state has a population of 780,000 people and a median household income of $61,843. The state’s focus on oil extraction and manufacturing are two strong factors behind the economy, but the state is focusing on expanding beyond these industry sectors in order to attract more people.
Top employers in the state include MDU Resources, the Bank of North Dakota, Swanson Health Products, SRT Communications, Packet Digital, Hugo’s, and Basin Safety Consulting Corporation.
Dive into North Dakota by checking out some unique attractions, such as Minot’s Norsk Hostfest, a huge Scandinavian festival. Food, music, and Scandinavian history are on full display. If you’re looking for something really different, visit the Oscar-Zero Missile Alert Facility. It’s on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places, so someone might as well check it out.