What is the asking price for 3203 Avenue B in Lubbock?
The asking price for 3203 Avenue B is $3,200,000
What is the building size of this Industrial property in Lubbock, TX?
The size of the building/unit at 3203 Avenue B in Lubbock is 179,690 square feet
How much land does the Lubbock, TX property at 3203 Avenue B include?
3203 Avenue B in Lubbock includes 9.660 acres of land
What kind of Industrial is the property at 3203 Avenue B?
The property at 3203 Avenue B Lubbock, TX 79404 is listed as a Warehouse Industrial property
What is the population within 1 mile of 3203 Avenue B in Lubbock?
The population within 1 mile of 3203 Avenue B Lubbock, TX 79404 is 4,609 people.
Who do I contact for questions about 3203 Avenue B?
You should contact the listing agent,
Blake Truett, for any details regarding this commercial listing.