Industrial Properties
501 West Powell Lane Austin, TX 78753
Details & Description
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    Property Highlights
    Additional Photos
    Listing Agents
    Eric Layne

    O: 512-252-9900
    While we strive to provide the most accurate information, all listing information, and demographic data, is provided by third-parties. As such, MyEListing will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information. It is strongly recommended that you verify all information with the listing agent, and any relevant agencies, prior to making any decisions.

    501 West Powell Lane

    Austin, TX 78753

    Listing ID: 292018
    • 501 West Powell Lane Austin, TX 78753 | for Lease | Photo 1
    • 501 West Powell Lane Austin, TX 78753 | for Lease | Photo 2
    • 501 West Powell Lane Austin, TX 78753 | for Lease | Photo 3
    • 501 West Powell Lane Austin, TX 78753 | for Lease | Photo 4
    501 West Powell Lane | for Lease | Thumbnail 1
    501 West Powell Lane | for Lease | Thumbnail 2
    501 West Powell Lane | for Lease | Thumbnail 3
    501 West Powell Lane | for Lease | Thumbnail 4
    Unit Size: 1,236 SF
    Annual Rate/SF: CALL
    Monthly Price: CALL
    Service Type: N/A
    Lot Size: --
    Land Size: --
    Call for Pricing
    Property Highlights
    $0.77 Base Rent/month + $0.25 SF NNN/month ($1,260.72 per month)
    2,538 sf - of which 565 sf is office space
    Fully Conditioned Space
    Great location in the center of Austin with easy access for rapid N-S movement on IH35 and E-W along 183.
    Suite A209 has a three offices, a loft space, and a grade level overhead door.
    No automotive repair, or detailing
    Parking is limited to a couple of parking spaces so most types of adult or kid training won’t work
    Attachments & Files

    Traffic Counts

    Points of Interest & Demographic Radii

    Points of Interest
    Demographic Radii
    POIs provided for entertainment purposes only. Data comes from multiple data sources as well as users and agents. MyEListing makes no claims whatsoever as to the accurancy and/or completeness.
    Austin History of Industrial Properties for Lease

    Austin Area Market Trends

    Listing Demographics for 501 West Powell Lane Austin, TX 78753

    All information based on the most recently available data (updated annually) and is provided in 1-mile, 3-mile, and 5-mile radii (radiuses) of the property location.

    1-Mile 3-Miles 5-Miles
    Total Population24,045163,587347,941
    Population Median Age343535
    Population by Age0-9 Yrs2961 (12%)20972 (12%)39923 (11%)
    10-19 Yrs2926 (12%)17265 (10%)39847 (11%)
    20-29 Yrs4373 (18%)31065 (18%)75017 (21%)
    30-39 Yrs5111 (21%)35526 (21%)69434 (19%)
    40-49 Yrs3700 (15%)21042 (12%)42394 (12%)
    50-59 Yrs2450 (10%)16423 (10%)33298 (9%)
    60-69 Yrs1564 (6%)11818 (7%)26533 (7%)
    70+ Yrs960 (3%)9476 (5%)21495 (6%)
    Median HH Income$51,344$56,601$64,974
    Total Household Income< 24K2526 (25%)13805 (20%)25891 (18%)
    25-49K2217 (22%)16288 (24%)29777 (20%)
    50-74K1842 (18%)11356 (16%)24491 (17%)
    75-99K872 (8%)8218 (12%)17185 (12%)
    100-199K1848 (18%)13744 (20%)32729 (22%)
    200K+436 (4%)4072 (6%)12707 (8%)
    Highest Education LevelNo Diploma32751860226393
    Diploma or GED39402182936151
    Some College30531873437443
    Assoc. Degree775573311630
    Bachelors Degree42603148475040
    Higher Degree18281874849351
    Total Housing Units10,53873,045155,121
    Owner-Occupied Values< 100K1389812155
    Total Working Age Population19,540131,484287,975
    In Work Force14,94298,143208,128
    Not In Work Force4,59833,34079,847
    Workforce Employed14,13293,311198,218
    Workforce Unemployed8064,7969,791
    Civlian Workforce14,93898,107208,009
    Military Workforce537119
    Total Households9,74067,484142,780
    Family Households4,76232,81368,053
    Non-Family Households4,97834,67274,727
    Married Couple2,88921,99748,777
    Other Family1,87310,81519,276
    Married w/Child1,36710,17721,362
    Single Male w/Child2371,3852,467
    Single Female w/Child7394,1707,561

    Population Change Last Two Decades - Plus Projection

    Travis County812,280+261,024,266+261,291,502+191,540,812

    Total Working Age Population:

    Total Households:

    Total Working Age Population:

    Total Households:

    Total Working Age Population:

    Total Households:

    No part of this information may be copied, reproduced, repurposed, or screen-captured for any commercial purpose without prior written authorization from MyEListing.

    While we strive to provide the most accurate information, all listing information, and demographic data, is provided by third-parties. As such, MyEListing will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information. It is strongly recommended that you verify all information with the listing agent, and any relevant agencies, prior to making any decisions.

    Common Questions and Answers

    What is the building size of this commercial Industrial property?
    The size of this lease property at '.501 West Powell Lane.' is 1236 square feet
    What kind of Industrial is the propery at 501 West Powell Lane?
    The property at 501 West Powell Lane Austin, TX 78753 is listed as a Warehouse Industrial property
    What is the population within 1 mile of 501 West Powell Lane in Austin?
    The population within 1 mile of 501 West Powell Lane Austin, TX 78753 is 24,045 people.
    Who do I contact for questions about 501 West Powell Lane?
    You should contact the listing agent, Eric Layne, for any details regarding this commercial listing.

    Other Listings for Lease Nearby

    Address Price Sq Ft Acres
    404 West Powell Lane, Austin, TX CALL 4,580 -
    214 West Powell Lane, Austin, TX CALL 930-3,581 -
    208 West Powell Lane, Austin, TX CALL 6,000 -
    1601 Rutherford Lane, Austin, TX $1,500-9,528/mo 1,200-6,352 -
    8711 Burnet Road, Austin, TX $1,542-3,903/mo 1,234-3,123 -
    8015 Shoal Creek Blvd, Austin, TX CALL 12,539 -
    2000 Centimeter Circle, Austin, TX CALL 37,944 -
    11000 North Interstate Highway 35, Austin, TX CALL 49,500-93,425 -
    1029 Reinli Street, Austin, TX CALL 1,400-1,820 -
    2112 Rutland Drive, Austin, TX $7,800/mo 7,200 -

    Closest Commercial Airports

    Airport Distance (mi)
    Austin Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) 11
    San Antonio International Airport (SAT) 73
    George Bush Intercontinental Houston Airport (IAH) 144
    Call for Pricing
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