What is the asking price for 4241 Marconi Avenue in Sacramento?
The asking price for 4241 Marconi Avenue is $10,323,076
What is the building size of this Retail property in Sacramento, CA?
The size of the building/unit at 4241 Marconi Avenue in Sacramento is 17,272 square feet
How much land does the Sacramento, CA property at 4241 Marconi Avenue include?
4241 Marconi Avenue in Sacramento includes 1.000 acres of land
What kind of Retail is the property at 4241 Marconi Avenue?
The property at 4241 Marconi Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 is listed as a Free Standing Building Retail property
What is the population within 1 mile of 4241 Marconi Avenue in Sacramento?
The population within 1 mile of 4241 Marconi Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 is 16,978 people.
Who do I contact for questions about 4241 Marconi Avenue?
You should contact the listing agent,
Courtney Haubach, for any details regarding this commercial listing.