220 Continuum Drive Fletcher, NC 28732
Details & Description
Price: $6,350,000
    Formerly Earthfare's Corporate HQ, this 31,620 SF facility is "turn-key" ready for occupancy now as a corporate call center, R&D lab, medical admin, incubation or co-work center! Features include: climate controlled server room with fiber access for high-speed streaming, redundant back-up generators, 3 loading docks, no-touch lighting, smart systems, and multi-zone HVAC! Extensively renovated, this single level, multiple entrance building includes both partitioned & private offices for a safer work environment, controlled/secured facility access, segregated lobby and employee areas, staff cantina, workplace gym, showers, executive board rooms and multiple conference rooms. Past tenants included Volvo, Netflix and Earthfare. Clean facility, single or multi-tenant potential, abundant parking with additional land available for expansion! FF&E conveys (see photos).
    Listing Agents
    Mark Morris

    O: 828-210-3940
    M: 828-674-4350
    While we strive to provide the most accurate information, all listing information, and demographic data, is provided by third-parties. As such, MyEListing will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information. It is strongly recommended that you verify all information with the listing agent, and any relevant agencies, prior to making any decisions.

    220 Continuum Drive

    Fletcher, NC 28732

    Listing ID: 241146
    220 Continuum Drive Fletcher, NC 28732 | for Sale | Photo 1
    Building Size: 31,620 SF
    Lot Size: 9.070 AC
    Land Size: 395,089 SF
    Building $/SF: $200.82
    Land $/SF: $16.07

    Formerly Earthfare's Corporate HQ, this 31,620 SF facility is "turn-key" ready for occupancy now as a corporate call center, R&D lab, medical admin, incubation or co-work center! Features include: climate controlled server room with fiber access for high-speed streaming, redundant back-up generators, 3 loading docks, no-touch lighting, smart systems, and multi-zone HVAC! Extensively renovated, this single level, multiple entrance building includes both partitioned & private offices for a safer work environment, controlled/secured facility access, segregated lobby and employee areas, staff cantina, workplace gym, showers, executive board rooms and multiple conference rooms. Past tenants included Volvo, Netflix and Earthfare. Clean facility, single or multi-tenant potential, abundant parking with additional land available for expansion! FF&E conveys (see photos).

    Points of Interest & Demographic Radii

    Points of Interest
    Demographic Radii
    POIs provided for entertainment purposes only. Data comes from multiple data sources as well as users and agents. MyEListing makes no claims whatsoever as to the accurancy and/or completeness.

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    Fletcher Area Market Trends

    Listing Demographics for 220 Continuum Drive Fletcher, NC 28732

    All information based on the most recently available data (updated annually) and is provided in 1-mile, 3-mile, and 5-mile radii (radiuses) of the property location.

    Demographics Charts
    Demographics Tables

    Common Questions and Answers

    What is the asking price for 220 Continuum Drive in Fletcher?
    The asking price for 220 Continuum Drive is $6,350,000
    What is the building size of this Flex/Office Whs property in Fletcher, NC?
    The size of the building/unit at 220 Continuum Drive in Fletcher is 31,620 square feet
    How much land does the Fletcher, NC property at 220 Continuum Drive include?
    220 Continuum Drive in Fletcher includes 9.070 acres of land
    What is the population within 1 mile of 220 Continuum Drive in Fletcher?
    The population within 1 mile of 220 Continuum Drive Fletcher, NC 28732 is 3,693 people.
    Who do I contact for questions about 220 Continuum Drive?
    You should contact the listing agent, Mark Morris, for any details regarding this commercial listing.

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