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All information based on the most recently available data (updated annually) and is provided in 1-mile, 3-mile, and 5-mile radii (radiuses) of the property location.
Total Population | 8,236 | 78,986 | 203,115 | |
Population Median Age | 34 | 37 | 36 | |
Population by Age | 0-9 Yrs | 1430 (17%) | 10451 (13%) | 29549 (14%) |
10-19 Yrs | 619 (7%) | 9659 (12%) | 28849 (14%) | |
20-29 Yrs | 1875 (22%) | 14220 (18%) | 31030 (15%) | |
30-39 Yrs | 1230 (14%) | 11183 (14%) | 29345 (14%) | |
40-49 Yrs | 1074 (13%) | 8770 (11%) | 24430 (12%) | |
50-59 Yrs | 686 (8%) | 9815 (12%) | 24171 (11%) | |
60-69 Yrs | 641 (7%) | 7335 (9%) | 18694 (9%) | |
70+ Yrs | 681 (8%) | 7553 (9%) | 17048 (8%) | |
Median HH Income | $48,448 | $57,486 | $56,076 | |
Total Household Income | < 24K | 774 (22%) | 5616 (18%) | 14914 (19%) |
25-49K | 989 (28%) | 7661 (24%) | 18600 (24%) | |
50-74K | 826 (23%) | 6844 (22%) | 15519 (20%) | |
75-99K | 441 (12%) | 5034 (16%) | 11166 (14%) | |
100-199K | 407 (11%) | 5165 (16%) | 12976 (17%) | |
200K+ | 15 (0%) | 674 (2%) | 1855 (2%) | |
Highest Education Level | No Diploma | 561 | 5744 | 20051 |
Diploma or GED | 1574 | 15219 | 38923 | |
Some College | 1694 | 14775 | 32193 | |
Assoc. Degree | 486 | 4291 | 10737 | |
Bachelors Degree | 820 | 8150 | 18286 | |
Higher Degree | 164 | 3354 | 8612 | |
Total Housing Units | 3,715 | 33,476 | 81,185 | |
--Owner-Occupied | 1,657 | 18,564 | 45,392 | |
--Renter-Occupied | 1,795 | 12,430 | 29,637 | |
Owner-Occupied Values | < 100K | 351 | 4377 | 13780 |
100-199K | 1130 | 11353 | 22418 | |
200-299K | 130 | 2201 | 6448 | |
300-399K | 15 | 348 | 1430 | |
400-499K | 4 | 122 | 539 | |
500K+ | 26 | 163 | 777 | |
Total Working Age Population | 6,417 | 62,825 | 155,570 | |
In Work Force | 4,558 | 43,450 | 104,364 | |
Not In Work Force | 1,858 | 19,375 | 51,206 | |
Workforce Employed | 4,118 | 40,826 | 98,487 | |
Workforce Unemployed | 245 | 2,055 | 4,726 | |
Civlian Workforce | 4,363 | 42,881 | 103,213 | |
Military Workforce | 196 | 568 | 1,151 | |
Total Households | 3,452 | 30,994 | 75,030 | |
Family Households | 2,039 | 19,628 | 49,126 | |
Non-Family Households | 1,412 | 11,366 | 25,904 | |
Married Couple | 1,232 | 13,676 | 33,818 | |
Other Family | 807 | 5,952 | 15,308 | |
Married w/Child | 523 | 5,702 | 15,094 | |
Single Male w/Child | 158 | 1,054 | 2,483 | |
Single Female w/Child | 486 | 2,482 | 6,160 |
Population Change Last Two Decades - Plus Projection
2000 | % | 2010 | % | 2020 | % | 2030 | |
Oklahoma | 3,450,654 | +9 | 3,751,351 | +7 | 4,024,202 | +7 | 4,302,501 |
Cleveland County | 208,016 | +23 | 255,755 | +15 | 294,868 | +14 | 336,050 |
McClain County | 27,740 | +24 | 34,506 | +12 | 38,671 | +11 | 42,858 |
Oklahoma County | 660,448 | +9 | 718,633 | +7 | 772,053 | +6 | 821,230 |