The property is a 6,652 square foot multi-tenant commercial building. The building is configured for use by three tenants - a 3,538 square foot retail Warehouse, a 1,611 square foot two-story office, and a 1,503 square foot two-story office. The building site is 0.30 acres and is a triangular shape with 193.78 ft frontage on West Frontage Rd (N. Causeway Blvd) and 154.66 ft frontage on 5th Street.The space available is the 1,503 square foot 2 story office with 3 covered parking spaces on the ground floor. This space's address is 2410 N. Causeway.The building has a steel and wood-frame construction with corrugated metal, brick, stucco and wood panel exterior wall finishes, and a pitched metal panel roof, all on concrete slab foundation.