Retail Space
4 Tennis Court Hamilton Township, NJ 08619
Details & Description
Contact for Price
    Listing Agents
    Bonanni Realtors
    Bonanni Realtors
    O: 609-586-4300
    While we strive to provide the most accurate information, all listing information, and demographic data, is provided by third-parties. As such, MyEListing will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information. It is strongly recommended that you verify all information with the listing agent, and any relevant agencies, prior to making any decisions.

    4 Tennis Court

    Hamilton Township, NJ 08619

    No Longer Listed
    4 Tennis Court Hamilton Township, NJ 08619 | for Sale | Photo 1
    $ /mo

    Hamilton Township Area Market Trends

    Listing Demographics for 4 Tennis Court Hamilton Township, NJ 08619

    All information based on the most recently available data (updated annually) and is provided in 1-mile, 3-mile, and 5-mile radii (radiuses) of the property location.

    Demographics Charts
    Demographics Tables

    Common Questions and Answers

    What is the building size of this Retail property in Hamilton Township, NJ?
    The size of the building/unit at 4 Tennis Court in Hamilton Township is 16,000 square feet
    How much land does the Hamilton Township, NJ property at 4 Tennis Court include?
    4 Tennis Court in Hamilton Township includes 2.700 acres of land
    What is the population within 1 mile of 4 Tennis Court in Hamilton Township?
    The population within 1 mile of 4 Tennis Court Hamilton Township, NJ 08619 is 5,100 people.
    Who do I contact for questions about 4 Tennis Court?
    You should contact the listing agent, Bonanni Realtors, for any details regarding this commercial listing.

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    Airport Distance (mi) Directions
    Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) 40
    Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) 40
    John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK) 54