Retail Space
1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast Salem, OR 97317
Details & Description
Price: $14,000,000
    Lancaster Marketplace is a shopping center consisting of a Sportsmans Warehouse, Dollar Tree, Boy's and Girls Club along with retail shops on a single site in Salem Oregon. This center is co-anchored by Shopko and WinCo Foods (neither of which is included in the sale).Highlights Include:Long Term leases with strong tenantsExcellent access to freeway system and nearby employment centerWell situated near residential neighborhoodsLocated within a seasoned, fully developed regional commercial centerStrong demographicsVacant and shell spaces represent upside growthExcellent visibility to Highway 22 and Lancaster DriveTwo Pylon directory signs on property and highly visible sign bandProfessionally managed by NAI ElliottFull offering package available by signing confidentiality agreement
    Listing Agents
    Cap Berri

    O: 503-972-7187
    M: 503-860-4689
    While we strive to provide the most accurate information, all listing information, and demographic data, is provided by third-parties. As such, MyEListing will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information. It is strongly recommended that you verify all information with the listing agent, and any relevant agencies, prior to making any decisions.

    1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast

    Salem, OR 97317

    Listing ID: 230458
    • 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast Salem, OR 97317 | for Sale | Photo 1
    • 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast Salem, OR 97317 | for Sale | Photo 2
    • 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast Salem, OR 97317 | for Sale | Photo 3
    1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast | for Sale | Thumbnail 1
    1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast | for Sale | Thumbnail 2
    1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast | for Sale | Thumbnail 3
    Building Size: 119,137 SF
    Lot Size: 8.170 AC
    Land Size: 355,885 SF
    Building $/SF: $117.51
    Land $/SF: $39.34

    Lancaster Marketplace is a shopping center consisting of a Sportsmans Warehouse, Dollar Tree, Boy's and Girls Club along with retail shops on a single site in Salem Oregon. This center is co-anchored by Shopko and WinCo Foods (neither of which is included in the sale).

    Highlights Include:

    Long Term leases with strong tenants

    Excellent access to freeway system and nearby employment center

    Well situated near residential neighborhoods

    Located within a seasoned, fully developed regional commercial center

    Strong demographics

    Vacant and shell spaces represent upside growth

    Excellent visibility to Highway 22 and Lancaster Drive

    Two Pylon directory signs on property and highly visible sign band

    Professionally managed by NAI Elliott

    Full offering package available by signing confidentiality agreement

    Attachments & Files

    Points of Interest & Demographic Radii

    Points of Interest
    Demographic Radii
    POIs provided for entertainment purposes only. Data comes from multiple data sources as well as users and agents. MyEListing makes no claims whatsoever as to the accurancy and/or completeness.

    Loan and Amortization Calculator

    Listing Price
    Down Payment

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    Interest Rate:
    Term (months):

    Your Monthly Payment


    Total Principal: --

    Total Interest: --

    Total Cost: --

    Salem Area Market Trends

    Listing Demographics for 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast Salem, OR 97317

    All information based on the most recently available data (updated annually) and is provided in 1-mile, 3-mile, and 5-mile radii (radiuses) of the property location.

    Demographics Charts
    Demographics Tables

    Common Questions and Answers

    What is the asking price for 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast in Salem?
    The asking price for 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast is $14,000,000
    What is the building size of this Retail property in Salem, OR?
    The size of the building/unit at 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast in Salem is 119,137 square feet
    How much land does the Salem, OR property at 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast include?
    1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast in Salem includes 8.170 acres of land
    What kind of Retail is the property at 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast?
    The property at 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast Salem, OR 97317 is listed as a Shopping Center Retail property
    What is the population within 1 mile of 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast in Salem?
    The population within 1 mile of 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast Salem, OR 97317 is 13,808 people.
    Who do I contact for questions about 1120 Lancaster Drive Southeast?
    You should contact the listing agent, Cap Berri, for any details regarding this commercial listing.

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