Office Space
3110 North Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85012
Details & Description
Price: $0
    Non-traditional office experiences. Exceptional design by local architect richärd+bauer. A collaborative campus atmosphere. Abundant parking. Low load factor.HighlightsExciting redevelopment underway.15' - 20' exposed ceilings.Abundant parking.Exclusive tenant patios.8 on-site restaurants.
    Listing Agents
    Margaret Lloyd

    O: 623-344-4558
    M: 602-828-7214
    While we strive to provide the most accurate information, all listing information, and demographic data, is provided by third-parties. As such, MyEListing will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information. It is strongly recommended that you verify all information with the listing agent, and any relevant agencies, prior to making any decisions.

    3110 North Central Avenue

    Phoenix, AZ 85012

    Park Central

    Listing ID: 204499
    • 3110 North Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85012 | for Lease | Photo 1
    • 3110 North Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85012 | for Lease | Photo 2
    • 3110 North Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85012 | for Lease | Photo 3
    3110 North Central Avenue | for Lease | Thumbnail 1
    3110 North Central Avenue | for Lease | Thumbnail 2
    3110 North Central Avenue | for Lease | Thumbnail 3
    Unit Size: 1.8K - 45K SF
    Annual Rate/SF: $32.00
    Monthly Price: $4.8K - 120K
    Service Type: N/A
    Lot Size: --
    Land Size: --
    $32.00 sf/yr

    Non-traditional office experiences. Exceptional design by local architect richärd+bauer. A collaborative campus atmosphere. Abundant parking. Low load factor.


    Exciting redevelopment underway.

    15' - 20' exposed ceilings.

    Abundant parking.

    Exclusive tenant patios.

    8 on-site restaurants.

    Attachments & Files

    Points of Interest & Demographic Radii

    Points of Interest
    Demographic Radii
    POIs provided for entertainment purposes only. Data comes from multiple data sources as well as users and agents. MyEListing makes no claims whatsoever as to the accurancy and/or completeness.
    Phoenix History of Office Space for Lease

    Phoenix Area Market Trends

    Listing Demographics for 3110 North Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85012

    All information based on the most recently available data (updated annually) and is provided in 1-mile, 3-mile, and 5-mile radii (radiuses) of the property location.

    1-Mile 3-Miles 5-Miles
    Total Population14,694162,423414,316
    Population Median Age413535
    Population by Age0-9 Yrs1020 (6%)20137 (12%)58907 (14%)
    10-19 Yrs846 (5%)20353 (12%)57978 (13%)
    20-29 Yrs2665 (18%)29409 (18%)70517 (17%)
    30-39 Yrs2898 (19%)28711 (17%)65162 (15%)
    40-49 Yrs2340 (15%)21121 (13%)52743 (12%)
    50-59 Yrs2105 (14%)19033 (11%)47133 (11%)
    60-69 Yrs1720 (11%)14162 (8%)34180 (8%)
    70+ Yrs1100 (7%)9496 (5%)27695 (6%)
    Median HH Income$58,323$45,598$45,020
    Total Household Income< 24K1685 (21%)19048 (28%)43309 (28%)
    25-49K1720 (21%)17360 (25%)39917 (26%)
    50-74K1587 (20%)11073 (16%)25564 (16%)
    75-99K1004 (12%)7069 (10%)14891 (9%)
    100-199K1393 (17%)9900 (14%)21190 (13%)
    200K+535 (6%)2891 (4%)7708 (5%)
    Highest Education LevelNo Diploma5682168762839
    Diploma or GED16612186862018
    Some College24502321953370
    Assoc. Degree1120766316493
    Bachelors Degree36192165943969
    Higher Degree24901357726499
    Total Housing Units9,29377,516173,723
    Owner-Occupied Values< 100K13525929731
    Total Working Age Population13,021130,426321,014
    In Work Force9,88489,953210,449
    Not In Work Force3,13740,474110,565
    Workforce Employed9,45084,840198,146
    Workforce Unemployed4305,05212,136
    Civlian Workforce9,88189,892210,282
    Military Workforce461167
    Total Households7,92367,342152,580
    Family Households2,68630,03481,245
    Non-Family Households5,23737,30771,335
    Married Couple1,75217,21247,418
    Other Family93412,82333,827
    Married w/Child5747,77222,458
    Single Male w/Child2431,9504,998
    Single Female w/Child2035,76814,571

    Population Change Last Two Decades - Plus Projection

    Maricopa County3,072,149+243,817,117+164,436,900+155,107,700
    Pinal County179,727+109375,770+24466,200+32616,200

    Total Working Age Population:

    Total Households:

    Total Working Age Population:

    Total Households:

    Total Working Age Population:

    Total Households:

    No part of this information may be copied, reproduced, repurposed, or screen-captured for any commercial purpose without prior written authorization from MyEListing.

    While we strive to provide the most accurate information, all listing information, and demographic data, is provided by third-parties. As such, MyEListing will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information. It is strongly recommended that you verify all information with the listing agent, and any relevant agencies, prior to making any decisions.

    Common Questions and Answers

    What is the asking price for 3110 North Central Avenue in Phoenix?
    The asking price for 3110 North Central Avenue is $32.00 a SF per Year
    What is the building size of this commercial Office property?
    The size of this multi-unit property varies between 1800 - 45000 square feet
    What kind of Office is the propery at 3110 North Central Avenue?
    The property at 3110 North Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85012 is listed as a Professional Office property
    What is the population within 1 mile of 3110 North Central Avenue in Phoenix?
    The population within 1 mile of 3110 North Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85012 is 14,694 people.
    Who do I contact for questions about 3110 North Central Avenue?
    You should contact the listing agent, Margaret Lloyd, for any details regarding this commercial listing.

    Other Listings for Lease Nearby

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    3121 North 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ CALL 11,468 -
    3141 North 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ CALL 80,000 -
    3330 North 2nd Street, Phoenix, AZ $1,044-2,171/mo 604-1,256 -
    3030 North 3rd Street, Phoenix, AZ $3,066/mo 1,600 -
    49 West Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ CALL 1,575 -
    2833 North 3rd Street, Phoenix, AZ CALL 10,300 -
    67 East Weldon Avenue, Phoenix, AZ $804-1,697/mo 568-969 -
    531 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ $1,716-10,225/mo 1,084-6,458 -
    320 East Virginia Avenue, Phoenix, AZ $11,000-36,666/mo 6,000-20,000 -

    Closest Commercial Airports

    Airport Distance (mi)
    Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) 5
    Tucson International Airport / Morris Air National Guard Base (TUS) 115
    McCarran International Airport (LAS) 250
    $32.00 sf/yr
    Listing Agent
    More listings from Margaret Lloyd
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