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Two entrepreneurs in Houston have created the city’s first coworking space designed and operated specifically for female professionals in the workforce. Meredith Wheeler and Maggie Segrich offer a valuable service for working women in the form of a posh, fully furnished coworking space that has the appearance and feel of a loft, yet full of successful, driven professional women getting down to business.
The founders have designed a modern, functional coworking space that uses natural light, tasteful furniture, and a wide range of amenities and featured comforts, including:
On one important level, Sesh Coworking is a typical office environment with easy access to modern workstations, common areas like a conference and break room. However, this coworking space also includes atypical amenities like a “wellness room,” a game room for children, and a 15-foot tall tree inside the building, affectionately named for former Texas Governor Ann Richards.
The two women who started the company are dedicated to providing a unique system offering flexibility and support to those in this visionary coworking space. The atmosphere promotes a blurring of women’s professional and personal life, creating a welcoming, stable environment for women to get all of their business completed.
Despite the sweet scents, soft music, and comfortable furniture, Sesh Coworking is not a spa or resort getaway. The women who take advantage of this innovative business model pay for the chance to take advantage of the benefits and featured offered. Daily passes are available for $25, and monthly membership options cost between $139 and $199.
The fourth-largest city in the United States, Houston has historically been a huge business community that has been fueled by fluctuating oil prices and lead by male-dominated CEOs and board members. The infusion of tech companies and smaller manufacturing centers, many of which have been successfully run by female employees and managers, has opened the door for women to make more of a significant impact in the market.
Women-owned businesses continue to grow with an increasingly diverse economy and culture, making this unique coworking space a necessary tool to help advance women professionals into industry leaders.
“This is a hub for women to use as a launchpad for work or between meetings in different parts of the city,” Wheeler said. “In Houston, so many people commute from the suburbs into the city and don’t necessarily have a place to go between meetings. We also wanted to provide support for working mothers, who still bear the brunt of most child care.”
If you are looking for an office to lease or purchase a coworking space, the online commercial real estate resource at MyEListing can help. MyEListing offers free services to post and view available commercial properties for rent or sale. Get started today at MyEListing.